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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  April 6, 2013 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>>. forget about calling the doctor, uncle sam is making a house call. hello, i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. who needs the lost and found when you have the federal government. white house planning on hiring tens of thousands so-called navigators helping people to choose. each navigator can earn up to $48 an hour. we knew the health care law was big. geri is willis and charlie gasparino. what do you make of this? >> 21,000 people and n california are going to be hired to interpreted obamacare.
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nancy pelosi doesn't understand it. congress doesn't understand it. the whole industry is trying to understand it for years now. the bottom line here, i'm looking at this from the customer's points of view your costs are going up. 68 million people are going to lose their corporate. >> how many. >> 68 million. >> we're going to create 21,000 jobs in california but is that really the bottom line. there is more to this than economics right? >> happened to take two minutes out of my life and started reading 63,000 pages for rules for navigators and shut it down after the second page. this is the same thing that has been happening since day one. we were told we had to figure out what was going to be in it. it's going to be much higher costs, all kinds of regulations and mandates. we're getting surprises by the week, whether it's a $63 fee.
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i can't even imagine what this is going to cost two or three years down the road. my expectation -- this is my expectation. >> there is an outline from the federal government. going to have to foot the bill with these exchanges, it sounds like such a crazy thing. they will have navigators whose native language is english. it's a excuse to create government jobs. >> maybe it's explain how healthcare bill works. maybe we do need people that will be able to explain it. the question i have, if lawyers who are really well paid and accountants, and hospital administrators don't understand it, where are they going find all these people to explain it if they can get them to do it. it would be great. since willis said, where are they going to get someone to
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understand it. charlie, these guys are going to go through toward the end and tell people, by the way, you can register to vote with me. you know, they are coming from organizations from planned parenthood and things like that. is it understanding the bill. isn't it something more nefarious about this? >> i don't know about nefarious. i call it nasty, but i don't know. i will let adam decide. it is clearly keynesian economics at work. when the president went around saying the health bill wouldn't cost any of this. part of their bizarre economic analysis how many jobs would be described and this is it. adam, do you see anything wouldening would with this? does it worry you at all? >> not in the way it appears to worry everybody else.
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i think so far what we've had is an extremely slight conversation. we have had a complex piece of legislation. >> anything else when you have navigateders at $40 an hour. >> what we are doing, it's very complex approach to a very complex problem. do you think for a moment that the way the healthcare works now is straightforward and simple and everybody can completely understand what they are doing. what we are talking about doing, i don't know where gerri's statistic comes from, adding 30 more million people health insurance. that is going to be complicated. and you would -- >> it's too much. >> here is the honest thing. one point. adam because if we're going to be honest enough to talk about this. the people that hired will not
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have a medical degree. they won't know anything they can speak more than one language and give them a brief outline. i guaranteed you, it wouldn't be explained that anybody would understand. >> let me adjust that. charles, i'm being objective here. you in plural, you hated this bill from the beginning. you criticized it from beginning to end. you don't like it. you were never going to like it. people with medical degrees -- we need people to help work the system so this people can get their insurance. >> i think we do need that. here is the problem, you said the current system is hard to get through. this thing is ten times more complicated. where do they get people that actually understand it? >> my point is, when you say ten times more complicated, you are making that number up. >> 5,000 times. >> hold on second.
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>>. [ laughter ] >> it's going to be more complicated. gary, you wanted to jump in. >> first, einstein couldn't figure this bill out. i looked it over. when. when it comes back to it, it's the cost of all of this is obscene. the country doesn't have the money. taxpayers don't have the money to pay for this. the next six years of our taxpayer dollars have already been spent. >> i want to go back to ben. part of my theory is this big thing with the obama administration what they call economic justice. the idea, adam makes a great point. we should have people understand what they are signing up for. do we really have to pay someone $48 to translate obamacare law from english to spanish? >> if it turns out people are getting health care and lives
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are being saved because they know which doctor to go to then yes, i think it's worth $48 an hour. i go back if it is this complicated, even highly paid lawyers can't figure it out and congress can't figure it out, i question whether they are going to get the people to be able to figure it out. it would be nice if they can get them but where are they? >> this is like calling at&t, 800 number for help. they will be reading from a script. well, how old are you -- it's not going to work. >> and they'll be from india. >> we would outsource this but i don't think that is it. we want to create jobs. these are artificial jobs, artificially paid jobs. we're talking about a big windfall for friends of
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president obama. union workers and planned parenthood, acorn on the back of teachers. >> what does planned parenthood have to do with this. >> this is one of organizations that would be qualified for this kind of work already. >> i don't have any idea, but where it strangle from and -- sprang from. there is no accountability and no defenders of the taxpayer in any of this and that is how we got into this position and they keep doubling and tripling down. >> it's not just costs, it's also care. likely seen a doctor is small. we'll have to do with nurses. at the end 69 day, what is the quality of care? >> all right. we have to wrap it up and leave it there. up next, deja-vu all over again.
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robert miller being held on one million dollars bond after the murder of murder of a d.a. and his wife along with a assistant d.a. >> i'm arthel nevil. goat you back to cavuto on business. for all the latest, log on to you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> amid the signs of a housing combat. reports that the white house is pushing to give mortgages with folks with weaker credit scores. urging the justice department to assure banks that they won't get in trouble if these people default on those loans. gary, looks like history is repeating itself? >> two words -- hoy and they. i don't know what it means. people got mortgages that couldn't even make their second payments that were backed by the government. now, we're washing and rinsing
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and repeating. just because housing prices are going up, doesn't mean they go back down once interest rates get normalized. and we give houses to people that can't afford it. i don't understand any of this logic behind this. >> i understand it and i don't disagree with it. it harks back to the housing bubble, give people on the fringes of society and ree rebound, they are watching the housing market come back. >> i have to tell you, it not just the government. banks are giving subprime mortgages again. there are a lot of people to blame. this week, we got a report from. people are saving more for retirement, 54%, 70% have reduced their debt since the great recession. so americans are doing the right thing. it is government that is out
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there deciding they are going back to the policies that failed in the past. >> we cut $1.3 trillion off the debt and the idea that obama administration is actually urging, justice department telling banks, listen, this time when it falls apart you won't be in trouble. >> there was an orwellian quality to this. here is the problem with this. it gets to the heart how unsophisticated the president is. one of the reasons we had a housing bubble, been a crisis because of all these incentives to buy homes including wall street securitization that is involved government regulation. that bid up the price of homes to a point where people couldn't afford it unless they got one of these crazy loans like nothing down and balloon payment at the end of two years. there is problem with these snfs
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they inflate prices beyond what the market should be. my dad worked three jobs. we had a house. we moved from an apartment to a house but it was cheap enough to buy. is this the answer then, adam. is this part of fairness doctrine. this is the route we have to go through? >> this is one of the rare moments i'm going disappoint you i agree with everything that charlie just said. this is horrible policy. it's been bipartisan for many years. it's got nothing to do with the community reinvestment act. that was tiny portion of the crisis. >> you didn't need a community reinvestment act to have a subprime of the loans. by the way, that was pushed by fannie and freddie. >> that is why i'm agreeing with you completely. this is terrible policy. we have guilted people into
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thinking there is something good about owning a home. of course, there is but it's not necessary to own a home. >> the government can support it but not in the way of the past. >> this is bipartisan. no, listen. >> you are the president of the united states, there is hardly anything better than home ownership went up under my watch. it's something we should be rolling the dice on at this stage of the game. >> my head is spinning. i don't know what planet these people our panel is from. the housing market has recovered somewhat. it's way weaker than it was in 2006, 2007. it's much stronger than a year or three years ago, it's still flaccid. if you are person like me ends up dealing with banks and mortgages, it's not that easy to get a mortgage.
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>> are you suggesting that counter boost where people can start 3% down? [ talking over each other ] >> i don't care if you disagree with me. the numbers are the numbers. the numbers tell us that there is still not much activity in the housing market. >> maybe that is a good thing for now. >> what do you think? >> easy money invites stupidity and invites bad behavior and backed by the government, it's easy to drop the keys on the doorstep just like what happened back in 2007 and then you have another meltdown again. i don't mind making easier but not like that. >> final word. >> they wanted to make it easier and it's too strict now. try to get a mortgage and see how easy it is.
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>> 3% down with a 500 fico score raises a red flag. >> i agree with that. >> got a gun, better get insurance or pay a fine. that is what some democrats are pushing and got alan west fuming. he is joining eric boling at the bottom of the hour. up next. >> i know a lot of you are already on my side and for you naysayers i have two strong words for you. come on. >> and latest bit of news come on, come on! when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly
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i'm just going to do this and if you get eaten it is your own fault. don't! oh, oh -- to hell with it. >> okay, ask that guy for losing weight. why would you take budget tips from the white house. declaring april financial capability month and critics are quick to point out the white house is submitting its budget for the year. is it hypocrisy maybe? >> what do they know about budgets? that that is clear.
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to take advice from the white house or the administration on this couldn't be crazier. at the end of the day, it's regular americans that know how to balance the budget. there are consequences. >> when i first saw this, i fell off my chair. >> regular americans don't know how to balance -- >> mr. wall street. >> it relates to the last conversation we had. they took out all these loans and they got thrown out of their homes. >> i tell you, gary, america is $1.3 trillion in debt. maybe they learned the hashed way. the white house has the ability to teach them. >> just to take the other side, never bad when you are teaching americans financial literacy and budgets, but we should be teaching them. $6 trillion over the last four years in debt. i'm sorry, those are the wrong people trying to tell us. >> ben? >> what encouraged me, president obama is not writing these guidelines, michelle is not
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writing them. secretary of treasury are not being written by them, they are middle level bureaucrat that may be very good at balancing budgets. >> adam, real quick? >> my contribution to this, the federal budget and my budget are apples to oranges. they are completely different. of course, they should balance their budget. >> thanks a lot. my special thanks to charlie and gerri. up next, five years after the fall, more americans are putting money away to fall back on. lots of americans boosting their emergency fund. our gang has picks that can help boost those funds a lot higher. e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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stocks to help boost your emergency funds, gary? >> tjx company, great earnings and revenue growth and consistent. i think it has a defensive component as being a discounter where the market may be getting
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a little trouble. >> we still look at discounters. adam, do you like this one? >> i'm sure it's a perfectly good pick but no, i don't. if the subject is, emergencies, i don't like any of that. >> what do you like for an emergency? >> i would say tips for example and places protected security. your goal should be a cushion or cash or cash like not risky stocks. >> ben bernanke says we don't see inflation for miles down the road. >> i'm sorry to say, adam is wonderful great guy. i don't like this one. average maturity date of the tips, are way too long. >> what do you like. >> for the long haul, spiders, just buy the market, you'll do great. >> you know what, you are
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consistent. market has been consistent. i wanted to say thanks to everyone. it's been a fantastic show. cost of freedom continues, this is the place to be because this is fox. >> firing back at gun control, some democrats trying to force gun owners to buy liability insurance and fine them if they don't. that has former congressman alan west. he is here. >> it's only cheating if you get caught. >> eric: and did they get caught. teachers turning themselves in charged with inflating text scores to get bonuses. get this -- now some are blaming the tests. are only teachers to blame here? take a seat and rings the bell. cashin' in session right now.
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>> eric: hello. i'm eric boling. and joining us this week is julian epstein and what has him fired up bus first to the teachers and administrators in atlanta accused of inflating standardized test scores to win performance bonuses. some reportedly throwing pizza parties while changing incorrect answers. teachers' unions saying the test crazed policies to improve scores. kimberly, blame the teachers that are cheating or blame the testimonies? >> blame the -- tests. >> they are retiring with pensions while we are graduating with kids that can't read maybe at a fourth or fifth grade level that are a burden to the economy because they are not going to be able to get a good job to support themselves.
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they become welfare and entitlement dependent. i'm giving the teachers a big "f" on this one and cry babies, that is way the union rolls. >> eric: what about those cry babies. the president of american federation of teachers says we are overtesting our kids? >> i blame the teachers but i also blame the test. they are both products of the public school system. a government dominated school system. there is a reason why sheeting is much more widespread in government schools than in public schools versus private schools. two times is much more prevalent among the students and teachers. there has been incidents like this in philadelphia. you have a center planned economy where funding is determined by an arbitrary test. parents who are forced to support these schools because of taxes have no real recourse. >> eric: there is a a lot of money at stake. the education
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spends about $110 billion a year no child left behind, $30 billion a year. a lot of this stuff is based on performance. should teachers be cheating? >> no. there is no excuse for this, it's not just teacher salaries, it's resources at schools at stake. there is no excuse. this is total scandal, it has occurred in six or seven other cities, as well. you have to give the obama administration and bush administration to sticking to their guns on importance of standaized testing and merit pay for teachers in public schools. that said, there is a worthwhile debate about whether we are spending too much time and ep have emphasis on testing. some schools, teachers are spending 60-70 days of the school year on test preparation. there are other measures other than just testing.
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absolutely no excuse for teachers, there is no excuse for cheating anyway. >> eric:, isn't this disingenuous to blaming the tests? >> she doesn't have another answer for it. there is no other excuse for it. you can't take blame yourself in this day and age for something. look, i will tell you my kids will be the first to tell you that all they do is prepare for tests lately. that is what it feels like. at the same time these teachers, they came to the profession for a reason. do your job. there are so many great teachers out there. every time we hear a story, we need the standardized tests but other ways to measure these kids and measure our teachers. also, why do you think kids and parents now are running out of the public schools that are failing their children and going to other alternatives like private schools, charter schools voucherer system that has proven track record of actually
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educating children versus teachers interested to make sure they meet the numbers. kimberly hits the nail on the head. it's not arbitrary tests but actually educating students. when it comes withstanding things like cheating, most private schools have zero tolerance policies on cheating for teachers or students, public schools should follow that route. >> that is an unfair statement. there are great public schools out there. we bet them every time we find a crappy district. you are going to find kids -- you are going to find them. >> let's free those public schools. >> i know you have 18th century view that we should get rid of the public schools. what we need to do is reform public schools. to your point in the private
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system, there was case in recent months where the universities experiencing majoring teaching with the a s.a.t. it's not true that it true that it happens in public educations. >> you talk about pell grants? >> no, it doesn't. >> it does not dominate the universities system. >> if you are going to cheat whether you are a private school or catholic school or public school. it's human nature. >> i'm just saying it happens a lot more in public schools versus private schools. >> how do we know that. >> you are talking about the test. problem is the test and you need to measure these kids somehow. we need to see how they are doing. >> eric: let me get julie in here. what about it. isn't kimberly right, shouldn't more of the funding go towards
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the voucher system and let them have a choice? >> i'm all for a system, i like charter schools a lot. the problem with the voucher system was that it was never going to be enough money to fund a competitive local, private school. the government wasn't going to provide that kind of money. so i'm all for competition. i'm for competition between charter schools, public schools and some support for private schools. we do need reform in the public school system a lot of students that is the only option. i think obama and president bush should get plaudits here. >> i want to go once around. what should happen the teachers. fire them and pulling their teaching licenses? >> yes, fire them. they have no integrity they are
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cheaters and liars. >> fire them. >> what do we with these teachers? >> fire them and i think they will be prosecuted, as well. >> fire the teachers and fill the schools education system st thias dominated by government and failing because of it. >> eric: we're going to leave it there. >> send them all to jonathan. >> lawmakers unloading on gun makers with a plan forcing them to buy liability insurance or get fined. colonel alan west, a friend of mine is here next. ♪
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i'm arthel nevil. a pair of deadly attacks in afghanistan claiming the lives of six americans in kabul province, a car bomb killing three service members and two american civilians.
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an american citizen killed in a straight attack in the country's east. this as joint chief martin dempsey arrived there to assess training. a manhunt under way in colorado for a second man with ties to the prime suspect in the murder of a state's prison chief tom clements. they are looking for a gang member, thomas lee. they warn he may be armed and dangerous. this after cops nab a fellow gang member yesterday. i'm arthel nevil. goat you back to cashin' in. for all the latest headlines, you know where to go. >> eric: gun owners, some democrats now pushing a bill to make it mandatory to purchase liability insurance for the guns you already own and if you don't you will face a $10,000 fine. former florida congressman alan west he is not fine with the
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shot at our pockets and our constitution. tell us more. a democratic from new york if you don't have liability insurance at the gun range and they check your card, $10,000 fine? >> yeah, absolutely. it's a pleasure to be with you. it's funny that the fox saturday morning business block is called the cost of freedom. that is what it is. it's going to cost you to exercise your second amendment freedom. this is a coated from miss maloney, for too long gun victims and society have borne the brunt of the costs of gun violence. may bill would change that by shifting some of that cost back on to those that own the weapons. in other words, what representative is saying, i as a gun owner in florida now have a shared responsibility for the gun violence that occurs in chicago or detroit or any other place in the united states of
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america. i think that is horrible way to look at people who are trying to exercise the second amendment freedoms but think about the single mother that lives in a rough neighborhood and wants to protect her children. the young man or lady that works a night shift and they want to be take care of themselves. the elderly couple that live in a rough neighborhood and want to protect themselves. she is saying to them, you really don't have a right to own that weapon. you are part of the responsibility of gun violence across this country. that is horrible thought process. >> eric: colonel, are your good friend, debbie wasserman schultz will she be able to mobilize the democrats on this? >> i don't think you can mobilize the democrats on this. what this is circular means why we go after gun ownership. what is worse, eric, this is part of the precedent and fallout from the supreme court
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decision about the affordable care act and individual mandate. once again we have a government that believes it can modify behavior by taxation, by mandating that you have to go to a private sector agreement or else you'll be fined. which means a tax. this is the danger of what chief justice roberts decided. we have to stand against this. where does it go next? the government will tell you you must do this or we will fine you if you don't accommodate this behavior. >> eric: you are hundred percent right. we dubbed it obamacare for guns, who knows, obamacare for internet. everything you do, they could mandate, by insurance for something or you get fined. >> think about this, if you are the insurance industry, you are leaps and bounds, you are going to create a commodity that has
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to be purchased it. if you don't purchase it, you are going to fire $10,000. i own five handguns myself so i guess what she is saying, i have to have insurance on each one of those handguns and if i don't there will be $10,000 fine on each one. what they are trying to do is make it so onerous to be able to own a weapon. we see them going after possibly taxing ammunition and, of course going after magazines. this is a way by which they can't take away your second amendment right. they are going to try to make it too expensive to have your second amendment right. >> eric: i'm old up the constitution and my rate to bear arms should not be infringed upon. aren't all these things, magazines, insurance, background checks, aren't all these things infringing on my second amendment rights? >> of course, they are.
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they will look at some type of legal definition that that isn't a case. it is an impediment to own a weapon and most importantly for so many people in the united states of america to be able to protect themselves. the sick philosophy or understanding that i have a shared responsibility for gun violence -- we can create more laws, but the people that are law abiding will continue to abide by the laws. if the criminals -- it's the criminals that are not abide buying the laws. what carol maloney is only going to punish and affect those people that are law abiding. furthermore, when you see the economic situation in which we find our, median incomes are down, unemployment situation, poor economy we are in, why would we want to tell law abiding gun owners we're going take $10,000 away from you. >> eric: absolutely. thank you so much for joining us. coming up, where is the beef?
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you are about to find out and then some. regulators now want to know where the beef in your burger you are biting was born, raised and slaughtered, beefing up your grocery bill. do you really need to know that? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business
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>> eric: here a nice thought as you chow down on your next bugger. government wants food companies to put labels on your meat where it was born, raised and slaughter. jonathan says it is going to hike food prices? >> eric, indeed. regulation is a cost. it's a cost not levied on criminals but innocent producers and consumers. regulatory costs of almost $2 trillion, that is more than the income taxes every year. what is most disappointing it doesn't do anything to keep food safe, to keep stock markets but it makes it more different to detect. regulation increases costs. >> eric: let's take it to the table. ladies, muscle cut meat. >> where i come from, we find
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muscle cut meat at the local gym. that is it. i don't want to see it in my chopped meat in at the food store. it's really good and on sale and i can take it home. i get some of the details may be important and something special. american people don't need to know. >> stay out of my bedroom and get out of my burger. i don't want all these regulations. i don't want to where elsie spent last years graze ought grass. it's bad. it cost the economy and producers and the consumers. >> eric: get out of kimberly's bedroom and stay away from her burger. >>ly stay away from both of those. cattle ranchers are increasingly giving their live to stock hormones, fish farms are giving the fish hormones so they will grow bigger and plumper.
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as a result they often have to give them antibiotics because they get infections. i want to know if the meat or fish i'm eating is coming from a country that gives their livestock excessive amounts. >> don't we have food inspectors to do that? we have food inspectors. do i really want to see the picture elsie? >> we have food inspectors but they don't regulate the levels of hormones in our food zblrk. , why not. >> because government. >> it's rather compelling how bad it is for you. >> in a free market producers compete that what consumers want. but whether government regulates it they have to meet an are a temporary low standard. it's like people will put the money in any bank. >> if i was a consumer, i want to know that the meat i'm getting from mexico is being
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given hormones or antibiotics -- hold on, what about my right to know. >> eric: tracy, why stop at beef. where the corn was grown. >> the label is going to be mile long. you are going to be so confused you aren't going to buy anything. this is going to hurt every industry. i just don't need to know all the detailed. that is why we have the fda. >> sometimes we don't need to see how the sausage is made. >> i eat salami, everyone tells me it is really bad how it is made. but what information do you need and what cost family trying to provide food to the families. >> eric: we're going to leave it there. and thank you julian epstein for joining us. forget the e.r. but go to where you pick up your r.x., is this
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where healthcare is head? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪
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for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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>> time for what do i need to know for next week. tracy? >> walgreen's will start putting nurse practitioners and physician's assistants in their clinics so they can diagnose diseases and things. this is crazy! is thisis where we're going i because of obamacare? i say yes. >> pick up your prescription at the gas station. jonathan? >> i'm actually betting against stimulus. i'm not getting against stimulus here, but in japan, which this last week unleashed the biggest stimulus, $1.4 trillion. bonds bested stocks for four weeks. i don't think that continues and i bank against japan's stimulus. >> you have the hot hand. that's it for this week. thank you for joining us. bek sure to sound off and let
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your voice be o heard aboutet today's show. weigh in on all the topics we discussed on twitter. have a great weekend, everybody. see you nextwe week. >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perinoage with andrea and it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city. and this is thend five. we're going to have a little fun and not beat up on bob. conspiracyat theories. great dinner table talk. how many people actually believe in them? for example, do you think t that aliens landed at roswell? was the moon landing faked and is bigfoot real? there is a new poll out thatea tells us how many americans believe some of thisl stuff. it was kind of surprise. eric, i was wondering, as your black helicopter dropped you off today b at fox, did you have any conspiracyd theories in mind?
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>> i have one, which by the wayn i did take a black helicopter. they're always there, by the way. >> you're good at them. >> producer for five days now has prommed that i could tell the world that we are number two in all of cable news for the first quarter of 2013. every single day at thend of the show, i was supposed to do it, i run out of time. my shares theory is porter hasr known this all along, he's not doing it. porter, i promise to bring them along to number one. >> well played! well played. andrea, what about you? you worked on capitol hill. you know that there were times when you all of a sudden, your office would get a ton of callsd and you'd be answering the calls and people would have a theory. often you think they weren't true. but there are a lot of people who think they are true. are you one at all? >> on some things, yes. for a example, i think jfk was murdered by the mob. i think marilyn monroe did not
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overdose for sure. >> but did what? >> oh, i think she was whacked. >> oh, killed. >> i do. i definitely do. >> whacked. >> she was definitely killed. and there was a big conspiracy theory in my generation which was that tupac shakur is still alive. >> jim morrisson.c >> and elvis. >> i'm surprised in this list. there was 6% of people think paul mccartney never died. >> no, he didn't. >> or that he died, whatever. >> who cares. i listen to country music? >> who did you mean? john lennon. >> it is paul mccartney. people i -- 5% of people think he actually died in 1966. but iau think -- >> who went to the white house and performed for the obama? >> this is a great conspiracy.
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that's why they can keep going and going. think ofts trying to one involving you, but everything is true. >> i know. that's the problem. you know what i love about the hard core conspiracy-minded person? there is an l inherent contradiction. they believe that governments and corporations are controlling or creating a world that is fooling all of us, but them. they can see through it, but we can't, except that they'rere abject failures. if you ever see a hard core one, if they know all of this, why aren't you at least clean? why don't you have all your teeth? i'm talking about the guys that sit next to you talking about we're lizard people. by the way, conspiracies, the whole point ofay them is to anso one question and the question is, who runs the world? we see this. it's either the trilateral commission, the rothschild,
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illumanatti. nobody knows expect for me! the person, the animal that runn everything with its paws in everything, is that evil dog, which actual israeli a swedish boy in a costume. you know how you fight them? you tell them their theories are part of the conspiracy. in 9-11, you blame him phrenism. you say, you're just saying that, you're just saying that so we don't know the real that blows their mind. >> i want to ask bob. d i know there are a couple of things you felt you couldn't talk about 'cause you might knos about something, which might add to a new conspiracy for us. but you don't seem like too much of a conspiracy theorist, except you have one on your mind. >> by the way, i do believe in trilateralist. >> i always thought the kennedy assassination was never quite
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figured i got to be careful here how i say this. i b think that there is absoluty has been visitors from other places on this planet. [ laughter ] >> visitors not of this planet? aliens? >> of one. >> you talking about roswell? >> i don't want to talk about it. >> do they care i.d.? >> you can't call them space aliens. you have to call them nonhuman visitors. >> nondocumented. >> i think tre has been things found in the world that have been from outer space that have been kept quiet. >> like what? >> keith ohlberman. >> he's actually bigfoot. >> you g know 7% of americans think the moon landing was faked, but overseas, especially in the middle east, bob, they really do believe that america never bought man on the moon.
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>> it know. it's a big conspiracy there. but there was a conspiracy by nasa during that. that was when armstrong first got off and put his foot down, he saiad that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. nasa changed it to make it the perfect slowingen and kept it going for 20 years. >> except nor man and mankind is the same thing. >> i have one crazy theory that the american media industryan conspired to get an unqualified alinskite in the most powerful position in the world to impose socialism.e that would never happen.i >> that person was born where? >> obviously condition i can'tn. >> obviously. -- kenya. obviously. >> you have communists outside your window all the time. you and greg. >> i wish. >> you believe in aliens are here now or have come and gone?
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>> some time ago. >> one of the first shows you said you believe in ghosts. f >> i certainly believe in o ghosts. i've seen them. >> that's okay to talk about, but the alien, i'm going to hold off. >> there is a reason, because he used to work someplace where he might know something about that. that's why he's not able to say or else there might be trouble. >> i think i was with you on that episode where i said i did believe in ghosts because my apartment building is haunted. what about thegh pan am flight? do you remember that? >> the 800? >> at kennedy airport and a lot of people said it was shot downo by the government. there's a number of conspiracy theories about that. >> the biggest one of all time are the 9-11 truthers who claim that the world trade center was brought down from within and not the two planes that i watched fly into those buildings. that is disgusting. >> the other piece of that, my husband traveled to egypt, was on a business trip and said there was some guys, professional guys who worked in the medical profession and they're having dinner and these guys truly believed that no jews
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went to work on 9-11, that they weres all told before hand that they -- >> oh, yeah. >> that's aey scary thing about conspiracy theories. >> preliminaries. >> no,ut muslims believe the jes did not go to work that day. >> there are 15 closes friends who are jewish who died.ri >> that's the dangerous thing about them. >> okay. why it's so easy to be a conspiratorialist is it disguise s -- a truther is askingo you to disprove what you saw. they're not trying to prove anything. they're just saying, i'm just raising ahe question. how did those planes really get there? you could say, i saw it. but that's not enough for them because they don't want to do the hard work, because they're stupid. >> i had it out with jesse and he toldir once me that there is no way those planes could have brought the thing down because the beams wouldn't have melted from jet fuel. i said what are you talking about? he said it takes 800 degrees to melt it. unlesset you account for hours d hours and hours of melting and
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heat and pressure, it's -- >> jesse's brain is melted. >> my son brought me in the internet, a lot of kids are watching about 9-11 and it's very well produced and it got all around the young people where in thea pentagon, they never found any of the engines from they plane. they never found any pieces of the plane. now, that's because itat disintegrated. and the whole inside of the pentagon was not blah, blah, blah. this thing went around and these kids -- my son to this day. he doesn't believe about the world trade center, but he thinks in washington that the pentagon was not hit. >> let me ask andrea about social media 'cause we talk a lot about the opportunities and challenges thatdi facebook, twitter, texting, and being able to sendtw videos around like th. do you think that social media helps fuel conspiracy theories or maybe you can squash them on-line? >> oh, i think it has made them so much worse. if i had a nickel for every time i used to get from a family
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member a forward that would say, pass this on, and it would be this alarmist forward. a couple of them i read and i thought, you can quickly find out if they're not real. then i would send them back and say, please don't send me this kind of thing. but i would scroll down and see all the people on the chain and i would think all these -- >> like a chain letter. >> greg made a very good point of the the problem with the conspiracy theory thing is you got to disprove it. >> yeah. it takes too much time. popular mechanic's did a greatll time to disprove the truthers.e we don't have time. we have jobs. >> remember, david duchovny, it's not really a conspiracy if they're really out to get you. >> that's right. comingar up, more hollywood heavyweights are throwing their support behind 1960s radicals. will and jay did smith are produce 1 ago film that glorifis
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communists that were once on the f.b.i.'s most wanted list. and then a segment about what you want to know about us. you can go to our facebook page and you send uks a question and we may answer it later in the show. nothing is off s limits. well, bob, some things are off limits. stick around. it will be fun. please, ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪ i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . >> last week we saw robert redford crawl up the butt of the weather underground, bonafide terrorists who killed innocent people. now it's jada pinkett who has gone pinko, chilling her flick on the commie who tried to help a murderer flee from jail. her boyfriend, george jackson, had committed five armed robberies before killing a guard. he also wanted to poison theed water system of chicago, great guy. in 1970, his brother entered a courthouse armed with a shotgun that davis had bought. that gun blew a judge's head
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off. whatever became of davis? surprise. rewarded a faculty job and salary far beyond a prison guard's widow. how funny is it that left wing academics mock those with gun, but somehow embrace armed radicals who want to destroy america? i guess once cool and the other isn't, which is why kay jada is hawking her flick called "free angela" and all political prisoners. how objective was she? here is jada's describing davis, quote, she never apologized for her politics or associations and she always looked fabulous doing it. so be fab and hollywood bends over. thankfully, jada stronglywh condemns bullying. yeah, the go to issue for celebrities who cannot truly condemn deadly behavior. i guess being called names is far worse than getting your head shot off. so hooray for hollywood where charlton g heston gets humiliat.
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it's how we speak to the world and telling the world that we suck. bob, i know you like angela davis u about i want to pose this question. imagine if a republican had a hard core contingent of violent right wing radicals, would hollywood celebrate that? >> no, but can you imagine if this was a republican? could you -- >> it's true! your ild embraces violent radicals! >> angela davis never was arrested or convicted of anything. that shotgun was taken outte of her house. >> which w she purchased! >> no, she did not. >> yes, she did! she purchased it! >> she's a communist, which is why everybody hates her. d but she's a very -- >> i hate her 'cause she's a h criminal! and a judge is dead! >> she never was convicted of any crime. b >> why was she acquitted? one of the jurors ended um becoming a lover her supporter. >> she never went to trial. >> she was acquitted! i read it!up
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she bought the arms that were used to kill those people. >> in this country, if we are, found not guilty, then is there some reason we can't pursue life normally like anybody else? >> it's a good yes. i think that it's disgusting that> academics embrace these people. these ares horrible people, whether it's bow dean, bill ayers, bodine shouldn't be in crop. she should be in thedn country f colombia in a jail. >> she spent 22 years in a prison for a robbery that killed two cops. r then columbia university welcomes her with open arms. these are the old heros of the new left. and your plan about bullying is a good one. she wasr a clear communist for sure. and i just wonder what jay-z and jada pinkett and will smith think about communism because communism is bullying. it's taking people's civil liberties away from them,
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stripping them of their rights and it's the exact same thing that our founding fathers tried to prevent from happening andin all of them, kathy bodine, angela davis, all of them, communists and they're glorified in academia. >> can i show a shot of jada talking about this about the historical significance of angela davis. >> it is a powerful piece of american history, like people think they h know the story of angela davis. even think that we though all the different aspects of that particular era. but we don't. and i felt like angela davis represented such a a dynamic charismatic figure of this time and she really was in the middle of kind of the building blocks of the america that we seeee today. >> so she's a communist, a marxist, feminist proponent of radical violence and the
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building block of america today. this is what's scary. these are the peopl,e who shaped history through media. by theop way, a might not media. >> if you look at the very end of that. >> view,a the interviewer -- probably never heard of angela davis in her life and she's like, oh, absolutely. >> remember we used to listening to current tv when al gore did an interview and the people would say, oh, good point. >> 'cause they don't read up on stuff. >> i have one more thing to say. you go ahead. >> i can wait. >> no, i want to get eric in this. >> can i point something out? bill ayers, university of chicago,l bodine, columbia, hollywood embracing anyone who is a communist and marxist. what is it with hollywood and academia? i don't know, covering up for or just forgetting the path, radical leftists who killed people? >> they hate law abiding citizens with guns, but love
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radicals with guns who actually kill people! all were not -- >> i wasn't old enough, right? >> no. wait a second. during that period of time when there was a lot of radicalism in the united stateres and the antiwar movement, which i was a part of and a lot of others movements, the government, the police departments and others persecuted people unnecessarily. >> i think necessarily here. >> you say necessarily here. i'm talking about back during the late '60s and the '70s when police and the government stepped all over' oured constitutional rights because we happened to disagree with the government. now at some point you're going to get angry. she spoke out about it. a lot of people did. she had a right to do it then. h >> so blow up a police station? and kill people? then years later, bob, hide them at columbia at northwestern, at university of chicago, some of our most important institutions.
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>> the police and the government officials who put people unnecessarily in jail and kept them there, those should have gone away. >> wait a minute, hide them? they're not hidden at columbia university. they are exalted, like royalty at these institutions. i really -- i would just love, and maybe it's nay eve, but i would love to see an america under communism, under angela davis' view and see if jay-z would be the richest man in thew world so he could do whatever he wanted. let's see if will smith could make those movies under a communist regime. >> do you think the government had the right to railroad people? >> so kill people. >> this is a decoy debate. we're not talking about that. what we were talk being is a group of people that killed three of their own, building a bomb that they were going to place if fort dix. theybo were going to kill troops and their wives at a dance. but the bomb went off, thank god, and killed them. blue one girl's head off and her feet off.
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dustin hoffman had to rescue one of them. these people should be dead. they tried to kill our troops, bob. >> there is no excuse for that and they should have been prosecuted and put away. i agree with that. but i don't think that you can just dismiss those times when the government and the police department broke the law in order to stop --ro >> peaceful protest, though. not blow people up. >> you ever speak out against the people that railroaded us in the jail? >> bob, don't you think that they are using you, that people who are communists, that want to overtake america are using your naivete to do this, because they're saying we're for a what you believe in, when they realli want something violent. these people are no differentom than the manson family. in fact, the bodines used a symbol called the fork. you know what that meant? that was the fork meant to kill sharon tate. these are sick people! >> i have a friend of mine who was railroaded by the f.b.i., went to jail for 12 years on a phony charges because they wanted him off the streets.
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>> so protest, bob! protest! peaceful t protest. >> he should have been in jail. >> you shouldn't blow people up. >> and you shouldn't railroad people, right? >> neither you nor jada pinkett were old enough to live through, as bob pointed out. but you read the history and came out with a very different view than jada did. at universe, you don't get the point of view that you just put forward, which would allow students to think it through and come to their own conclusions. >> that's a great t point. our kids are learning from these radicals and they'll have their version of history, which is very different. >> everybody should watch "the five" every day and "red eye." >> yes. don't go see jada's movie. is saying a woman is attractive sexist? president obama is taking flak. we'll tell you what he said and whether we think he crossed the line next ♪ just one look
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♪ i wish they all could be california girls ♪ >> there is a lot of good looking women♪ in california and president obama noticed at least one of them this week. and now he's in trouble for it. but not with mrs. obama. some liberals are upset with the president for saying the state's attorney general is easy on the eyes. during aal fund-raiser yesterda, he said she's, quote, by far the best looking attorney general in the country. l now, is this really a big deale or much ado about nothing? what do you think, greg? >> this was a complete and just
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horrifying attack on eric holder . he was working closely with obama. he's like, what am i? trims his mustache, he moisturizes. and by the way, obama says good looking a lot. he says it to a lot of people. he said it to me over lunch many times. i don't think it's a big deal. if we don't think it's a big deal when it happens on our side, i can't get angry about this. by thean way, she is good look. >> she is. they have a close relationship and jay carney said they've been friends for a years. but is it unprofessional for the president or maybe any man to comment on a woman's looks ino the workplace or at a professional setting? >> i think it's all relative. there's a time and place for everything. i think he saw itd as a compliment to her, that some liberals were mad reminds us how angry and crazy some on the left can be. can you imagine being that angry
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all the time? >> if bush had said it, they'd be angry at bush. at this that for you, bob. >> actually that's true.ll another thing is if president obama had to do it over, he probably wouldn't have said that. and anywhere he goes, everything he says goingn' to get picked up and you just have to be a little more cautious. he could have talked more about her accomplishments, of which there are many. >> don't you think feminists have ruined it? isn't it nice when a guy nicelyv recognizes your looks in a respectful way? there is a g difference. when you say, you look nice today, that's okay. you look hot! is probably not okay. >> when greg does that, you look hot today, it's unnerving for me. >> behind you in the urinal. >> exactly. however, this is the only thing i really like about president obama. i think he's willing to recognizenl that she is, in fac, a beautiful woman. is that aec bad thing? the problem with it is if anyone
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gives him a hard time for this, they're at fault. they shouldn't be doing that. >> also some people get left out. in the everyone gets a trophy culture, you can't say that somebody is pretty. okay, bob, what do you think about this? >> i think you're all not taking this seriously enough. first of all, let me say this, i think you two are easy on the eyes and you're both hot. [ laughterth ] >> thank you. >> i wasn't talking to you. i think sometimes -- not just the left has probable leaus a bigger problem. but why doesn't anybody take it easy and take a joke? i mean, if the only reason if i was president obama i wouldn't say it 'cause his old lady woulk kick the hell out of him. >> his old lady? >> did you hear what michelle obama said, was it yesterday? she said oh, you know, what's hard to be a single mom.
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i mean -- >> if she would have said that after president obama would have said that, you would think, oh, oh, e someone is sleeping on thc couch tonight. >> i'm wondering -- remember early, either right in the first campaign where -- or right after he won, he was walking down the steps -- >> yeah. he said hey, sweety. >> yeah. >> i don't think this is a huge deal. most of these women that are screaming and carrying on about what the president did would love for a man to say that they are incredibly good look. and every woman knows it. they do a want to be noticed for their looks. >> i've never been called hot or good looking. >> bob, you're so hot. we've got to go and put the fire out. next up, the moment you've allut been waiting for for an uncensored, unpredictable free for all on the five. we asked to you send in your questions to us on facebook. the answers are coming up in just a moment and the answers ae coming up. ♪ ♪
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i'm arrest they will neville. troubling developments in north korea. state tv releasing new video today showing thousands attending a massive rally carrying posters with anti-american slogans. this following a string of provocative moves like warning foreign diplomats to evacuate and reports of missile movements along the country's east coast. and new legal troubles for lance armstrong. the cyclist asking a texas court to dismiss a lawsuit by a dallas promoter. seeking more than 12 million bucks in bonus payments tied to his seven tour defrance wins, armstrong arguing a 2006 settlement with the promoter is binding and includes language that cannot be appealed. i'm arthel neville, join me at
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the top of the hour for more news. now back to "the five." for all the headlines, log on to ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so urgent ♪ so urgent >> we're going to have some fun. welcome back to "the five," and welcome to our first facebook free for all. thanks to everyone. fantastic response. check it out. we heard from 2500 of you. let's take a look at some of questions. we haven't seen them yet. >> i'm so nervous. >> eric: dana is up first, will jasper be the only child from busy let's. >> dana: is that a great question. we agonize about. if i did not live in an
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apartment in new york, i would get another jasper if i a yard. the name in particular, you can't decide the name. >> greg: are you one of those that refer to your dog as child? >> dana: no. >> make sure you this shoo gets the window guards on her window. what is that? >> elizabeth b.. >> bob: thanks. >> eric: bob is up next. okay, ready for bob. if obama were to call tomorrow to offer you your pick of posts within his administration, would you accept and what post would it be and why from christopher. >> bob: this is best job i've ever had. there is no way i would do that. under no circumstances. >> any job would you like. >> bob: i mean i could be
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president if you resign. outside of that. >> you would never pass a background check. >> bob: never. when i was in government, can you believe that. >> no, i can't. >> you wouldn't want the campaign. >> god, no. >> you could be the golf partner. >> eric: you are up. for grelg, where does he buy his glasses and would he consider a monacle, bring back it from jeremiah. >> greg: these were a gift from kimberly. i have been trying to get one for ages. i have a friend in california who makes monacles. i think they are long forgotten. that is a great question. i would wear it in the right
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eye. it would be like this. >> isn't it one eye for reading. >> you are going to get so many monacles. nobody makes them anymore. >> here a trivia question, he pointed this out. i've noticed this, do you ever notice the glasses goes on and off. >> it's like a habit. >> greg: i have a dent in my nose, a legal dent. >> eric: andrea. did your parents teach you and encourage you the greek language in addition to english growing up? >> andrea: yes, they did, they made me to go greek school, and i was terrible student. i was in seventh grade and i doodled on my notebook. i know how to speak it, but i'm not very good at writing it.
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here the thing they used to tell us. you can speak the language but you can write to your cousin. >> bob: speak something greek. >> andrea: now i speak french and spanish too. >> bob: i speak greek. i don't speak english. >> eric: here is my question. i see you were born in chicago, cubs or sox. absolutely the white sox don't know who they are. cominsky park, never went to go there. i almost got arrested. i went to three tickets and i brought my father. i had an extra ticket. i sold the extra ticket.
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a cop put a cuff on me and brought me to the tank and let me go because i didn't make a profit selling the ticket. >> you learned your lesson and became an energy trader and made lots of money. >> hold on. this is important everyone, who picks on ties and suspenders, eric's watches, andrea's lipstick and greg's sweaters from vick. >> interesting thing, i don't wearing earrings. >> wow! >> my hole closed up. [ laughter ] >> brit: get my ideas myself. i have about 70 pairs of suspenders. >> can we do this quickly. i would like to know if something is wrong seriously. i have really liked bob beckel.
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i will speak for that. i will answer that. one of niceest guys you will ever meet. >> he i pick my own lip gloss, shauna pick my own lip gloss. >> still to come, people are flock together tv screens in droves with duck nine sti a reality show about a traditional family. a show that is shaking up the left. bob is going to quack in next. that is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are everywhere these days.
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>> bob: my friend said, why don't we play gatlin music. duck dynasty, 8.6 million people >> the show features the robertson clan, a family of duck hunt
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>> dress shopping. it shouldn't take three or four minutes. >> it's going to take longer than that. >> it's her big day. >> 30 minutes we'll be in and out. >> we return a dress. >> is there something wrong with it? >> there is not enough material. >> bob: it is fun together and family prays together. >> as a dad, i want to see my children grow, even if i have to do growing in the process. >> thank you for another day on planet earth, i practitioner for luke and emily they are pure in their dating relationship. amen. >> bob: let me say. i have to the seen the show. i like it right now. i happen to pray at dinner with my family and when i'm alone which is not very often. the other thing i related to, when my daughter bought her prom
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dress to show it us, i said we're going back, you only got half the dress. i can relate to that. any father understands this. >> your date show up less than that. >> that is what they are supposed to do. [ laughter ] >> so i didn't know about it until i saw when it debuted this season. it got huge ratings. i remember three episodes of girls, okay that is enough of that. i was scrolling through and dynasty was on like a marathon. i watched three of those. i thought, wow, i can see why people like this. this is american family, they have a business together. they are funny. they enjoy each other's company. they get up to some crazy antics >> forget this and walking dead.
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>> when i heard of it i thought it was a chinese restaurant. it's a great name. this is actually an important show because it's proof to the coastguard there are millions of people out there that are not like them. when they find this show, they are looking at footage of life on mars. they actually believe in family, they believe in hard work. they are opposite of angela davis documentary. >> bob: i don't think you see a lot of people out there. >> of course you do. they look at them with disdain or they are looking at a zoo. they have good values. admittedly, i thought was z.z. top and then i starred to watch it i really like it. >> bob: i don't know who z.z. top is. [ laughter ] >> bob: who is that? >> she's got legs.
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>> bob: is it girl. >> sing it. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ rolling ♪ [ instrumental ] [ girl ] when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. [ barks ] so me and sadie started practicing. we practiced a lot. now i've got some moves! [ crowd cheering ] spin kick! whoo-hoo! [ giggling ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy... with the total care nutrition in purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. d with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do?
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[ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet?
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>> it's time now for one more thing. eric is going to start. >> okay. i will go first. eric is going to start. >> for my one more thing, grab a pen, we need your help. jana winter is an investigative
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reporter for fox news who has being pressured by james holmes who killed 12 people and being pressured to reveal the story and notebook kept by holmes. if she is forced to do that. it could destroy her career. she has two choices, destroy her own career or go to jail. she shouldn't have to do either in the united states. there is the thing called the first amendment. go on twitter and put out the hash tag. hash tag leave jana alone. send a message to james holmes and his lawyers who want to put her behind bars. we will follow the story and keep you posted. >> thanks for that. andrea? >> this is the best story of the week and a follow-up to a story that we did last year on the 5. brian banks, you may he remember him. he was convicted of rape when he was in high school. he had a usc scholarship to play football. he went to prison over five years.
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last may he was exonerated when the woman said he was raped made it up. he came out and said i'm not bitter. i just want to play ball. someone give me the chance. we pleaded here on the 5 with the nfl coaches, somebody give him a chance. this week he was signed to the atlanta falcons. congratulations, brian, i'm sure you have a lot of fans here. >> that is great. you know how sometimes you wish that your dog could talk and how rescue animals know that they are being rescued. tyler, texas after they found out when he barked it sounded like he was saying something. take a listen. [barking] i love you greg. >> band phrase? >> oh, man. >> you can't make this stuff up.
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>> i was going to say that about that you just can't make that stuff up. i'm not because i hate that phrase. >> that's a good ban phrase. bob, do you want to go next? >> the ncaa is coming to a close here. we have got four teams left. louisville plays wichita state tonight. wichita state how they ever got there i don't know. louisville favored by 10.5. take that you will make some money. the luckiest team in all of college basketball syracuse who had no reason to be in the final four is up against michigan. michigan favored by two points. take michigan two points. and in the end louisville, louisville, i don't care what the point spread is, they are going to beat whoever it is by a big margin. it's probably going to be michigan. >> tough to do mascot theory. an orange can't beat anything. >> you have seen project runway what's happening there? it's ridiculous. like dodge ball went anorexic. terrible. >> final four picks. you didn't have louisville to win the whole thing. >> no. >> why are you saying


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